When it comes to Flat Pan Patio Covers nothing is more important than knowledge of material span capabilities. Engineering requires certain span restrictions to ensure safety and longevity! A reputable company like Acadiana Patios pays strict attention to span capabilities as dictated from business mandated by manufacturers. These span capabilities are not always the case with some Dealers. You can be assured when you buy from Acadiana Patios all span requirements or strictly adhered. The above ensures your safety and guarantees Quality.

Support beams also play a vital role where span capabilities are concerned. With multiple sizes, & shapes Beams also must comply with strict spans that meet engineering standards. Not complying with these restrictions could cause a Flat Pan Patio Cover Collapse. The collapse also can occur in high enough Winds or heavy enough rains if Span capabilities do not adhere too! When shopping or getting bids be sure to question their Material Span Capabilities and that all span requirements or strictly adhered. You’ll be glad you did. More to come! So, stay tuned!